
Active filter: Book: Psalm (x) , Date
Series: Youth Service (1), Living Above Problems (1), Message (62).
Service: Sunday Morning (24), Midweek Meeting (22), Sunday Evening (18).
Date: 2019 (12), 2020 (11), 2021 (12), 2022 (15), 2023 (8), 2024 (6)

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Sermons (64)

Under Heavenly Supervision - (Psalm 138:6-8)
Psalm 138:6-8 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on April 28, 2019 (Sunday Morning).
Five Words To Live By - (Psalm 37:1-8)
Psalm 37:1-8 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on March 17, 2019 (Sunday Evening).
My Utmost For His Highest - (Psalm 40:8)
Psalm 40:8 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on February 13, 2019 (Midweek Meeting).
Baptism Service
Psalm 34:1-18 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on January 13, 2019 (Sunday Evening).
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