
Active filter: Preacher: Rev. Justin Hayles (x) , Book: John (x) , Service: Sunday Morning (x) , Series: Message (x) , Date
Date: 2019 (1), 2020 (3), 2021 (2), 2022 (1), 2023 (2), 2024 (3)

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Sermons (12)

A Firsthand Experience With Christ -(John1:43-46)
John 1:43-46 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on August 4, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
Next Steps - ( John 15:1-5 )
John 15:1-5 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on May 19, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
Jesus In The Midst - ( John 20:19 )
John 20:19 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on January 28, 2024 (Sunday Morning).
Freedom In Jesus - ( John 8:36 )
John 8:36 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on July 2, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
The Healing Of The Impotent Man [Part 2] - ( John 5:1-9 )
John 5:1-9 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on February 19, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
Why Bad Thing's Happen To God's People - ( John 16:33 )
John 16:33 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on November 27, 2022 (Sunday Morning).
The Greatest Gift Ever Given - ( John 3:16 )
John 3:16 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on December 19, 2021 (Sunday Morning).
When Nathanael Met Jesus -( John 1: 43-51 )
John 1:43-51 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on July 4, 2021 (Sunday Morning).
The Gift - ( John 3:16)
John 3:16 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on December 6, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
Help For The Helpless - (John 1:1-7)
John 1:1-17 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on May 31, 2020 (Sunday Morning).
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