
Active filter: Series: Message (x) , Date
Book: Genesis (25), Exodus (8), Leviticus (1), Numbers (9), Deuteronomy (4), Joshua (8), Judges (14), Ruth (2), 1 Samuel (12), 2 Samuel (3), 1 Kings (7), 2 Kings (5), 1 Chronicles (2), 2 Chronicles (7), Nehemiah (3), Esther (2), Job (8), Psalm (62), Proverbs (18), Ecclesiastes (7), Song of Solomon (2), Isaiah (14), Jeremiah (10), Lamentations (2), Daniel (2), Hosea (1), Joel (1), Jonah (2), Habakkuk (3), Haggai (2), Malachi (1), Matthew (39), Mark (20), Luke (31), John (38), Acts (27), Romans (17), 1 Corinthians (26), 2 Corinthians (16), Galatians (11), Ephesians (18), Philippians (20), Colossians (7), 1 Thessalonians (4), 2 Thessalonians (1), 1 Timothy (8), 2 Timothy (12), Titus (5), Philemon (3), Hebrews (17), James (10), 1 Peter (13), 2 Peter (7), 1 John (3), Jude (5), Revelation (15).
Service: Sunday Morning (268), Midweek Meeting (214), Sunday Evening (181).
Date: 2019 (144), 2020 (93), 2021 (118), 2022 (123), 2023 (111), 2024 (74)

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Sermons (663)

Truths About Today - ( Psalm 118:24 )
Psalm 118:24 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 25, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
The Three Stages Of The Christian Life - ( Mark 5:18 )
Mark 5:18 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 21, 2023 (Midweek Meeting).
What Kind Of Church Would My Church Be? [pt 2] - ( 2 Timothy 2:15 )
(Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 18, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
A Soldier Of Jesus - ( 2 Timothy 2:3-7 )
2 Timothy 2:3-7 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 14, 2023 (Midweek Meeting).
What Kind Of Church Would My Church Be ? - ( Luke 18:1 )
Luke 18:1 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 11, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
Wednesday- Suffering Wrongfully - ( 1 Peter 2:19-21)
1 Peter 2:19-21 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 7, 2023 (Midweek Meeting).
Taking Control Of Your Spiritual Life {pt 2} ( 2 Peter 1:1-9)
2 Peter 1:1-9 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 4, 2023 (Sunday Evening).
Taking Control Of Your Spiritual Life ( 2 Peter 1:1-9)
2 Peter 1:1-9 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on June 4, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
Wednesday- What Size Is Your Faith ? - ( Matthew 8:23-27)
Matthew 8:23-27 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on May 24, 2023 (Midweek Meeting).
The Three R's Of Life - ( Ecclesisastes 3:1-8 )
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8 (Part of the Message series).
Preached by Rev. Justin Hayles on May 21, 2023 (Sunday Morning).
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